CSPPS Annual Report 2018: Sustaining Peace in Fragile Settings
The Civil Society Platform for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (CSPPS) is a member-led international network composed of civil society actors, practitioners, experts and academics from the Global South and Global North who work together on conflict and crisis prevention, peacebuilding and statebuilding in over 20 fragile and conflict-affected countries (FCAS).
The year 2018 was a pivotal one for CSPPS, as it marked the last year of the 3-year long operational grant kindly provided by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (SDC).
Accordingly, at the Platform level, the emphasis all throughout the year 2018 was not so much on expanding its membership, but instead on consolidating the existing ties and linkages made between Southern and Northern members. This drive to strengthen relationships culminated into the CSPPS Annual Core Group Meeting which took place in The Hague in April 2018. The purpose of the Annual Meeting was also to agree upon and reaffirm what the priorities of the Platform are, which led to the adoption of the CSPPS 2018-2021 Workplan and The Hague Declaration.
The work of the Platform related to amplifying the voice of civil society was best illustrated in 2018 by the Freetown Fragile-to-Fragile workshop on the New Deal and the 2030 Agenda. Participating in such F2F workshops and exchanging with g7+ and financial and technical partners is one of the most effective ways civil society can have a meaningful and positive impact to make sure the IDPS and CSPPS visions materialise on the ground. In turn, an open and continuous dialogue process can be embarked upon.
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