Strategic Steps for Policy Influence - CSPPS Scoping Mission in the Union of the Comoros

Strategic Steps for Policy Influence - CSPPS Scoping Mission in the Union of the Comoros

From 19th to 24th February 2017, a CSPPS team composed of Peter van Sluijs (Coordinator CSPPS Secretariat) and Georges Tshionza Mata (Regional Coordinator of PREGESCO and CSPPS Focal Point in DR Congo), will conduct a scoping mission in support of strategic policy engagement of civil society in the Union of the Comoros. The objectives of the outreach mission are as follow:

  • Raise awareness of Comorian Civil Society on the relevance of structural engagement of Civil Society as partner in the New Deal and related policy processes
  • Conduct a broad consultation within Comorian Civil Society representatives for the constitution of a CSPPS Country Team and the selection of a focal point aimed towards securing continuous structural and strategic engagement in New Deal processes
  • Provide the Country Team colleagues in Comoros with relevant updates on the status and discussions as held in context of the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding
  • Outreach to relevant International Dialogue and New Deal stakeholders to initiate national dialogues with the government focal point, CSOs, and private sector partners.

The Comoros Government Focal Point regularly participates in the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding, as proven by the Government's participation in Freetown in 2014, Kabul and Stockholm in 2016. Consequently, the Government of Comoros and the Civil Society have reached out to the CSPPS for a scoping mission that can help build capacity and solidify the participation of Civil Society in the New Deal processes both at country and international levels.

CSPPS looks forward to conducting this scoping mission to galvanize coordination mechanisms among Comorian CS-actors to ensure their active and dynamic contributions to relevant policy processes.

A summary report of this mission will soon be available on our website, do stay tuned.


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