CSPPS Annual Report 2019: Coordinated Action on Localising SDG16+ in Fragile and Conflict Affected Settings
On behalf of our members, CSPPS is thrilled to announce that our 2019 Annual Report has just been issued!
With the support of our members we are happy to present a, hopefully, captivating and enlightening summary of our activities of the past year. In this Annual Report 2019: Coordinated Action on Localising SDG16+ in Fragile and Conflict Affected Settings, you will find out more about CSPPS’s wide-range of activities. Among the elements that are presented, you will find:
- CSPPS activities within the framework of the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding, especially with regard to the IDPS 2019-2021 Peace Vision.
- Reports about our participation to dozens of high level events, with a particular focus on the UN 2019 High Level Political Forum (HLPF) and on the 63rd Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). This, without forgetting the meetings dedicated to CSPPS.
- CSPPS co-realization of broadly disseminated reports and statements, such as the Ready to Engage? Report with Oxfam Novib and the Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO), or our contribution to the Amplified Commitments and Partnerships for Accelerated Action: Rome Civil Society Declaration on SDG16+ with TAP Network and other civil society partners.
- Presentation of the numerous activities we have accomplished with our members, along with their original testimonies. You will discover the recently formed teams; some explanations on the 10 flagship projects we have carried out in 8 countries (namely: Burundi, Guinea, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Togo, Sierra Leone and Yemen) with our network. You will also be able to have feedback on the newly accomplished Voluntary National Reviews and on the related “Ready for review Project” we have successfully conducted with the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, the EU, UNDP and the TAP Network.
- The innovative communication techniques that we have developed, such as our Peace Corner Podcast and SDG16+ VNR animation.
- CSPPS strategy to counteract the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath.
- And much more !
We express our warmest thanks to all the contributors to this report and to all our members and partners for the fruitful year 2019. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our donors for their continued support.
Enjoy your reading!