Floraison is an NGO based in Lomé. The mission of Floraison is to promote human rights especially economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR) particularly the right to food and land rights with a focus on women and grassroot communities. Floraison inform, sensitize, educate and train persons and communities to work and enjoy their ESCR in an active citizenship.
The Country Team works to increase awareness on human rights and the knowledge of SDGs, particularly on SDG 16 to reach sustainable development through social cohesion and inclusion. It is engaged in contributing to create a space of dialogue in order to build trust and confidence between the state actors and the citizens.

Highlights & results
The CSPPS-Togo Coordination Team is working to get an entry point in order to build and strengthen collaboration with the government for better actions on the SDGs. The CSPPS Country Team is also engaged in the process of achieving an open and active civic space in the country for a sustainable development.
"As a Platform CSPPS brings together a variety of civil society actors involved in peacebuilding and conflict prevention both at local, national and international levels. Through ongoing constructive engagement and partnership with duty bearers and other key stakeholder we aim to safeguard meaningful engagement and inclusion of civil society."
Country Team
National Focal Point
Floraison - Claire Regina Améyo Quenum