Timor Leste
FONGTIL is an organization founded by non-government organizations in 1998. It is non-profit, non-sectarian and non-partisan and is composed of 380 members of NGO around 13 districts: local, national & International; 24 networks at national and district levels; International NGOs Platform and Network in the Regional and International Level.
FONGTIL's mission is to work with and support its member organizations to:
- Promote and advocate in all sectors for the wellbeing and interests of all Timorese citizens;
- Work towards ensuring that the people of Timor-Leste are free from all forms of injustice, including poverty, exploitation and discrimination, and have the opportunity to participate openly and freely in the political and democratic decision-making process;
- Support and strengthen the NGO sector to be an effective voice for all Timorese citizens, especially the most vulnerable members of our community.

Country Team
National Focal Point
FONGTIL - Elizabeth Lino Araujo