South Sudan

Vision 4 Generation (V4G-Org-NILA) strives under NILA (Networking, Influencing, Lobby and Advocacy) to a secured, informed and transform society to achieving equal justice, basic needs, potentials, livelihood and peaceful society. 
V4G-Org-NILA therefore further effective advocacy and influence of Inclusive Peace Building and decision-making matrix process, enhancing CSO, Women, Youth and syndicated organized group of individual coalition building, advances active women and youth participation for the legitimate political dispensation and decision-making process, factoring the social contracts between citizens and government through 2030 Agenda to be achieved.

Strategically, V4G-Org-NILA is positioned to intervene in emergency (Disaster Risk Management), post emergency, pre-conflict, conflict and post conflict, it treasures in peace building to enhance realization of the peaceful coexistence of the communities in South Sudan.

VISION: Secured, informed and transformed society through NILA.

CORE VALUES: Integrity, honesty, transparency and accountability, team building and responsive.

Map of South Sudan

“Being part of CSPPS has enabled me to work with some of the world’s most experienced and dedicated civil society peacebuilders. As a platform for us to engage with government decision makers on peacebuilding issues, CSPPS is without peer.”

James Cox
Peacifica, Australia

Country Team

National Focal Point
Vision 4 Generation (V4G-Org-NILA)Taban Christopher

This work is supported by

  • Dutch MFA
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