AJCAD-Mali is a Malian civil society organisation bringing together young people committed to consolidating democracy and the State as a guarantee of stability and development. It implements and supports youth-led initiatives in civic engagement, access to basic social services for the most vulnerable, employability and peace-building. Over the past ten (10) years, AJCAD has implemented more than sixty (60) projects/programmes in support of its vision, which is as follows: "Mali is a democratic, prosperous and peaceful state in which the living conditions of every citizen are improved and where young people are involved through responsible participation". In 2023, AJCAD will be present in two hundreds (200) communes of Mali with more than twenty thousand (20,000) young people (girls and boys) mobilised for sustainable development, human rights and democratic governance.
AJCAD Mali is also the fruit of three products that have been developed: CIJES (Centre Citoyen de la Jeunesse), which is a learning and training centre for young people, and innovative research; BAPC (Bureau d'Assistance et de Plaidoyer Citoyens), a legal clinic that fights corruption, facilitates access to administrative documents and raises awareness of gender-based violence; and AJCAD-Mali's media outlet, LAMBDA VOICE, which is the voice of the people.