
Fondation IDEO (Institut de Développement Organisationnel et Personnel), founded in1992, aims to contribute to a change of mentality and to the establishment of a climate of peace in Haiti, by supporting Haitians in the area of mental health, particularly marginalised groups.

Their work focuses on four areas: 1) personal development; 2) access to psychological resources; 3) access to organisational development; 4) peacebuilding and conflict prevention through peace education.

To find out more about the IDEO Foundation and access the article published following their membership to the CSPPS, click here.

Map of Haiti

“Being part of CSPPS has enabled me to work with some of the world’s most experienced and dedicated civil society peacebuilders. As a platform for us to engage with government decision makers on peacebuilding issues, CSPPS is without peer.”

James Cox
Peacifica, Australia

Country Team

National Focal Point
Fondation IDEO - Roseline Benjamin 

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