Guinea Conakry

The Organization for Sustainable and Integrated Development in Guinea abbreviated (ODDI-Guinea) is a non-governmental non-political and non-profit organization. The organisation is licensed with the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization since April 5, 2011.

Mission: ODDI-Guinea's mission is to support all initiatives of civil society that strive for local self-development, promotion of national expertise and participation of grassroots communities to the process of sustainable development.

Goals: To achieve its mission, ODDI-Guinea has set several objectives including: 

  • Contribute to the development of socio-economic activities in Guinea; 

  • Contribute to the promotion and sustainability of social peace; 
  • Participate in the dialogue of cultures in Africa and internationally through trade
Map of Guinea

“Being part of CSPPS has enabled me to work with some of the world’s most experienced and dedicated civil society peacebuilders. As a platform for us to engage with government decision makers on peacebuilding issues, CSPPS is without peer.”

James Cox
Peacifica, Australia

Country Team

National Focal Point
Organization for Sustainable and Integrated Development in Guinea abbreviated (ODDI-Guinea) Mamadou Saidou Balde

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  • Dutch MFA
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