Côte d'Ivoire

The aim of the Forum National sur la Dette et la Pauvreté (FNDP) is to mobilize national and international opinion on the impact of Côte d'Ivoire's external debt; to bring the international financial institutions and development partners to a total cancellation of Côte d'Ivoire's external debt; to contribute to an equitable distribution of the gains of this cancellation in favor of the poorest. The specific objectives of FNDP are: to mobilize the Ivorian population around the debt problem; sensitize multilateral and bilateral partners, policymakers and people on the impact of debt and poverty; contribute to the annihilation of poverty by participating as a civil society in the national good management of the gains of the total debt forgiveness for the most disadvantaged; to be a voice of dialogue and consultation between the public authorities and the population on all issues relating to debt and poverty reduction; to remain attentive to new public debts and their use; train members on all issues of debt and poverty. The FNDP intervenes in the following areas: advocacy / awareness raising; capacity building; democratic governance; economic and financial governance; social governance and development cooperation.

Map of Côte d'Ivoire

“Being part of CSPPS has enabled me to work with some of the world’s most experienced and dedicated civil society peacebuilders. As a platform for us to engage with government decision makers on peacebuilding issues, CSPPS is without peer.”

James Cox
Peacifica, Australia

Country Team

National Focal Point
Forum National sur la Dette et la Pauvreté (FNDP) - Diakalia Ouattara

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