OANET (Organisation des Acteurs non-Etatiques tchadiens) was created on April 24, 2001 following the signing of the Cotonou agreements between the European Union and the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries.
The mandate and mission of OANET is to provide direction and advice on cooperation and development; to nominate relevant non state actors representatives for the various phases of the ACP dialogue; to facilitate discussions and consultations between different groups of non state actors and support them in developing their capacities to be partners for development.
OANET acts in support to the implementation process of the National Poverty Reduction Strategies (NRPS) by ensuring a better participation of Civil Society; in support of processes for conflict prevention, mitigation and management; in providing services to its members and strengthening the capacities of Civil Society Organizations.
CEPSDA (Centre d 'Etude sur la Paix, la Sécurité et le Développement en Afrique) to be updated

"As a Platform CSPPS brings together a variety of civil society actors involved in peacebuilding and conflict prevention both at local, national and international levels. Through ongoing constructive engagement and partnership with duty bearers and other key stakeholder we aim to safeguard meaningful engagement and inclusion of civil society."
Country Team
- OANET (Organisation des Acteurs non-Etatiques du tchadiens) - Naji Nelambaye
- CEPSDEA (Centre d 'Etude sur la Paix, la Sécurité et le Développement en Afrique) - Ngarygam Mouldjide