Civil Society Leading the Way of SDG16+ - HLPF2022 Side-Event Report
We are pleased to share the Report for our 2022 HLPF Side-Event titled "Civil Society leading the way on SDG16+" held on Monday 11 July 2022.
Voices of SDG16+: Stories for Global Action is a unique collaborative campaign that brings the work of civil society on SDG16+ to the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in New York. Individuals and partners from around the world are given the opportunity to submit short videos telling their "stories" of best practices and extraordinary efforts being undertaken towards SDG16+ at the national and local levels.
The event organised in the context of #HLPF2022 was staged to showcase and popularise the work of local peacebuilding actors in their own environment and amplify their voices, views and perspectives in policy circles.
Co-hosted with Article 19, Namati, Peace Direct, TAP Network and World Vision, the side-event showcased the videos created by the finalists of the 2022 Voices of SDG16+: Stories for Global Action campaign. The event also featured an update from a Voices of SDG16+ Alumni and a live illustrator to give shape to the amazing stories shared by local peacebuilders' work on SDG16+.
Please find the recording and the links to all finalists' videos on the Voices of SDG16+ Youtube Channel.