Amplifying the Voice of Civil Society in Policy Processes: CSPPS 2014 Annual Report
The CSPPS Annual Report 2014 provides an overview of the activities and their outcomes of coordinated Platform action and its members participation to the many and complex processes facing the parties to the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (IDPS).
Firstly, implementing the New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States to ensure sustainable pathways from fragility towards resilience, peace and stability. Readers will find here highlights of CSPPS contribution to this goal in 2014, serving the Platform role of watchdog and partner for monitoring the Peacebuilding and Statebuilding Goals (PSG) within g7+ countries and promoting constructive state-society relations and institutions in the global South. To achieve this CSPPS can rely on its 30 Core Group members helping coordinate from a few hundreds to several thousands CSOs in 18 g7+ and non-g7+ countries and from 6 INCAF countries.
Bringing the values and principles of peacebuilding oriented towards societal resilience to the level of global processes and structures is the second part of the CSPPS mission. For this high level engagement and advice provision by Platform members was sustained within global forums supported by the g7+ group of fragile states, the OECD-INCAF, UNGA and various regional bodies. Also in 2014 CSPPS delivered lessons learned and recommendations captured from New Deal country processes during milestone events held by these groups and institutions.
Finally providing support and advice to the IDPS process itself is an important part of the CSPPS mandate. Official membership to the Dialogue comes with responsibility to provide to the Dialogue leadership evidence based critiques of the levels of inclusivity, adherence to principles and strategic direction seen as part of its overall mandate and through its working groups and Steering Committee processes.