SDG16+ in Peril: An urgent call-to-action for safeguarding commitments to Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies
Welcome to the 2022 Rome Civil Society Declaration on SDG16+, "SDG16+ in Peril: An urgent call-to-action for safeguarding commitments to Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies"!
In 2019, SDG16 was reviewed for the first time at the UN High-Level Political Forum 2019 (HPLF), marking the need for civil society to come together in order to update on the (lack of) progress towards the achievement of SDG16 and to share recommendations in the 2019 Rome Civil Society Declaration on SDG16+. The 2019 Declaration “Amplified Commitments and Partnerships for Accelerated Action: Rome Civil Society Declaration on SDG16+” received endorsement from over 130 civil society organizations and networks. As SDG16 was reviewed for the second time at UN HPLF 2021, the Rome Declaration was revisited in 2021. The Rome Declaration 2.0 “A Renewed Call for Strengthening Commitments, Partnerships, and Accelerated Action for SDG16+” was endorsed by 215+ civil society stakeholders, and looked specifically at the impacts of COVID-19 on the promotion of just, peaceful and inclusive societies.
In 2022, further inputs from civil society were required to update the previous versions of the Declaration, in light of the backsliding on SDG16+ produced by tectonic geopolitical developments and persistent crises, such as the invasion of Ukraine, recent coups in West-Africa, COVID-19, and many others. Building upon the relevant issues already included in previous versions of the Rome Declaration, reflecting on the impact of current crises on SDG16+ enables civil society to accordingly pinpoint entry points needed in the context of next year’s key events, including the 2023 SDGs Summit and the planned “Summit of the Future” as alluded to in Our Common Agenda (OCA) report. Although the HPLF in 2022 will not review SDG16, continuous attention for supporting more peaceful, just and inclusive societies appears crucial to bolster progress in the implementation of other goals reviewed in 2022 and the 2030 Agenda in general.
The 2022 Rome Civil Society Declaration on SDG16+, titled "SDG16+ in Peril: An urgent call-to-action for safeguarding commitments to Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies" brings to the fore civil society's main recommendations on the urgent actions the international community needs to undertake in order to place the 2030 Agenda back on track.
You can read the 2022 Rome Civil Society Declaration in full here: