VNR South Sudan

Spotlight on SDG16 in South Sudan

With the support of the Civil Society Platform for peacebuilding and Statebuilding (CSPPS), the Just Future Alliance (JF), Cordaid, Oxfam International and Women International Peace Centre (WIPC), the organisation Vision for Generation Organization (V4G) and other members of the CSPPS country team developed a ‘Civil Society Spotlight Report on SDG16 in the Republic of South Sudan’.

During the High Level political Forum held in New-York [USA] in July 2024, the Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG16) was under thematic review which offered an opportunity to all Member States to report voluntarily on the implementation of the SDGs at national and sub-national levels through the  Voluntary National Review (VNR) process.

This opportunity has been seized by South Sudan which presented its first VNR centred on the SDGs, providing a critical assessment of the nation's progress toward fostering peaceful, just and inclusive societies. In a country marked by years of conflict and political instability, the review should serve as a vital mechanism for evaluating South Sudan's efforts in peacebuilding, ensuring access to justice, and strengthening governmental institutions.

In this regard, CSOs are not only key stakeholders in the achievement of SDG16 in South Sudan, but are also instrumental in the VNR process ensuring a whole-of-society review and inserting a bottom-up perspective. Thus, this Civil Society Spotlight Report as issued not only highlights the achievements but also points at ongoing challenges and corresponding recommendations, aiming to inform policymakers and stakeholders in their quest for a stable and inclusive society in accordance with South Sudan’s Vision 2040.

Among the key achievements in favour of SDG16 those past years, the report spotlights: 

  • The signing of milestone peace agreements and mechanisms such as the Revitalised Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS), paving the way for various peace mechanisms and aligning with the SDG16 objectives of promoting the rule of law and ensuring equal access to justice.
  • The inclusion of women by 35% in governance and peace processes. This move not only promotes gender equality but also enhances the legitimacy and sustainability of peace agreements by integrating women's perspectives into decision-making processes.
  • The unification from different factions. It represents a critical step towards building a national unity that reflects the diversity of South Sudanese society. This initiative is essential for preventing internal conflicts and promoting national unity, thereby contributing to a peaceful and inclusive society.
  • The demilitarisation of civilian areas, a significant step toward ensuring the safety of civilians and creating an environment conducive to peaceful coexistence. This effort builds trust between communities and security forces, reducing the risk of human rights abuses.
  • The initiative of a National Dialogue process. It has provided a platform for South Sudanese to redefine their unity and aspirations for development. Although the implementation of its outcomes is still pending, the dialogue sets a precedent for a participatory approach to fostering inclusivity, social cohesion and national unity.

Despite these significant peacebuilding efforts, South Sudan continues to face significant challenges. Among other things, the report mentions remaining political disagreements and ethnic divisions, lack of political will and inadequate political responses, lack of resources and economic crisis, shrinking civic spaces, proliferation of arms, insecurity and sporadic violence, weak judicial independence and limited public awareness on legal rights and processes, etc. 

Overcoming these numerous obstacles requires a renewed commitment from all stakeholders, including strengthened political will, adequate funding, and inclusive dialogue.

To do so, this report is also dedicated to highlighting opportunities and providing decisive recommendations enhancing the coordination between government ministries, development partners, and civil society organizations to ensure a more effective implementation of peace agreements and SDG16.

The South Sudan Country Team of the Civil Society Platform for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (CSPPS) is committed to working closely with the government and development partners in implementing the recommendations of the Voluntary National Review (VNR) process to advance SDG16. By fostering partnerships, promoting transparency, enhancing accountability, and advocating for inclusive governance structures, we believe that together we can create a more just, peaceful, and inclusive society for all citizens of South Sudan.

In conclusion, this spotlight report reflects South Sudan’s ongoing struggle and commitment to achieving peaceful, just and inclusive societies. While significant progress has been made, much work remains to be done to realise the full potential of the SDG16 in South Sudan. The insights and recommendations from this report provide a roadmap for policymakers and stakeholders to build a more peaceful and inclusive society, ensuring that no one is left behind in the journey towards sustainable development.

Click here to read the full report!

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