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Bolstering Action for SDG16+ in Times of Converging Crises

Ahead of the thematic review of #SDG16 - promoting peaceful, just, and inclusive societies -  during the upcoming High-level Political Forum (#HLPF2024) in July, the Civil Society Platform for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (CSPPS), in partnership with Accountability Lab, Alliance for Peacebuilding, CIVICUS, Life & Peace Institute, Peace Direct, Pathfinders, TAP Network, and World Vision, spearheaded the 2024 Campaign of the Voices of SDG16+: Stories for Global Action. This sixth edition, centred on the theme "Bolstering action for SDG16+ in times of converging crises", aims to showcase the work being done by individuals and partners around the world to help positively impact people's lives in support of #SDG16+, at local and national levels.

The most enthralling videos will be showcased in New-York [USA] during an interactive virtual side-event of the High Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Wednesday 10 July from 2:30-4pm CEST / 8:30-10am EST. The projection of the videos will be held along with brief presentations by the submitting organisations and a discussion among participants to demonstrate how SDG16+ provides the foundation for shaping more peaceful, just and inclusive societies, and to highlight civil society contribution in advancing the #2030Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Don’t miss this opportunity and register through this link now if you want to:

  • Discover the incredible efforts of colleagues across the world on advancing SDG16+;
  • Engage in meaningful conversations to drive positive change;
  • Be part of the solution and use your voice to make a difference!

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