Gender-Based (Sexual) Violence in Cameroon: An unfolding crisis - Policy Paper
On behalf of the Civil Society Platform for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (CSPPS) and Cordaid I would like to share with you our latest policy paper on the worrying increase of Sexual and Gender Based Violence in Cameroon. This paper was developed in partnership with the CSPPS member in Cameroon, Association Rayons de Soleil and various other local activists and civil society organisations.
"Existent societal inequality for women in Cameroon is perpetuated by the current growing crisis, resulting in a worrisome increase of (S)GBV as part of the increasing violence. The international community can no longer ‘ignore’ the crisis at hand, and action and awareness are crucial for the wellbeing of women and girls in Cameroon. Association Rayons de Soleil, the Civil Society Platform for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (CSPPS) and Cordaid are highly concerned and urge the international community to proactively support and engage in dialogue to explore ways in which local organizations can be assisted in their fight against the rise of (S)GBV in Cameroon. This paper emphasises that women and girls of Cameroon need the wider international community to share best practices, promote the topic of gender-based violence on the global political agenda and provide funds for the implementation of resulting as well as existing policies."
The Civil Society Platform for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (CSPPS) is the global network of civil society organisations (CSOs) supporting peacebuilding efforts in fragile and conflict-affected settings, jointly striving for inclusive societies and sustainable peace. We operate in more than 25 fragile and conflict-affected countries.
Cordaid is the Catholic Organization for Relief and Development Aid. Inspired by compassion, solidarity, and subsidiarity, we see it as our mission to reduce fragility and the vulnerability of people where it is most needed and most difficult: in fragile and conflict-affected societies.
Association Rayons de Soleil is an organization based in Cameroon created by young girls whose main mission is to promote leadership and participation of girls and women in decision-making. Since its inception in 2006, the association has carried out activities in the areas of girls' education, the fight against early marriage and women empowering. Since 2015 and following the onset of the Boko Haram crisis, the association has been committed to promoting the participation of young people and women in the construction of peace, and community leaders on violence against women and girls during conflict.